Today’s Miracle...
this is a heading for a series of Facebook posts I’ve been writing over the past year or so. I first heard the concept when attending a writing conference where the amazing novelist and all around awesome person, Janet Fitch, spoke about (among many other profound things) setting yourself up every day to find the miracles that are already there, right under our noses. She encouraged all of us writers to challenge yourself to open yourself up to them.
My personal goal is to notice and take a photo and post one every day…but it’s more realistic for me to aim for 2 or 3 a week. However, when I start getting to them daily, I start seeing two or three a day. My life feels much richer.
When I’m expecting something unusual, something that will wake me up and take notice, I seem to find it. I encourage you to give this practice a try - and to notate it somehow. If not through photography or in a journal, make a post, try texting a friend or better yet, tell someone about it in person.
If you share these little moments, you’re more accountable to keep looking for them, and when you spread them, you’re exposing the world to an easy gratitude practice, too.