Creativity + Life Coaching
Creativity + Life Coaching Services
Life Coaching differs from psychotherapeutic services in many ways. Specifically, coaching is more collaborative than traditional psychotherapy, AND it does not specifically address mental health issues. ALSO, it is not a regulated field, so almost anyone can claim to be a coach.
With her years of experience helping people reach their potentials, and familiarity with the creativity research literature, Dr. Carrie has a much larger toolbox from which she can assist everyday people in benefitting from the mental flexibility and resiliency of cultivating creative mindsets and habits, and in catalyzing the creative practices of writers and artists to investigate deeper and more meaningful creative endeavors. This may include:
integration of research findings about the “creative process” to enhance your own, unique methods of creative problem solving
discovering hacks to increase your “little c” creativity, or common, everyday creativity (in contrast to “Big C” creativity of the rare Creative Genius)
strategies for self-care and mindfulness in unlocking your creative potential and increasing the quality and quantity of “creative flow” experiences
collaborating on finding workarounds for your creative blocks and creating intentional practices to “invite the muse to your table”
organizational tips tailored to your natural style and pace for anything from keeping your workspace workable, to supporting you in conceptualizing your next, super powerful and meaningful works, to project management and/or accountability holding toward actual completion of them
and in some cases, feedback, developmental editing or copy editing of your literary art
Creativity + Life Coaching is offered in packages of 3 pre-paid sessions which include an initial reflective evaluation to clarify your goals and communicate your resources to me ahead of time so that we are able to apply ALL of our time together toward your needs. Set up a FREE 15 minute phone consultation by clicking below.
for the New Year!
Online workshops NOW available
Perfect to help you come back strong after the holidays
OR a great gift for the writer(s) in your life
call SOMOS at (575)758-8881
or email somos@somostaos.org
or visit somostaos.org to register

Creative Needs Assessment:
Do you need support finding an organizational system that works for your creative practice but doesn’t feel like busy work?
struggle with clutter? supplies/storage/files SO disorganized that you are too overwhelmed to begin?
get distracted and off task so easily that you don’t get to the to-do’s or project goals that you’ve planned to do?
accumulated so many responsibilities/obligations toward others that it feels like it’s impossible to prioritize your needs without disappointing others?
going through a major life transition and just can’t get back into doing the things you really love?
not sure what you want to be saying/doing/portraying in your creative work?
don’t seem to have the self-discipline to make a schedule and stick to it?
can’t predict when inspiration will strike? feel at the mercy of the muse but also frustrated by “waiting around” for her to show up?
YOU might benefit from Organizing Healthy and Realistic Structures (Including Boundaries) that you can Actually Stick To!
Is your soul dying a little every day becuase you can’t get yourself “unstick” from writer’s block or creative burnout?
do you feel stuck in a rut? as if you can’t come up with creative ideas anymore?
perfectionistic expectations got you paralyzed and avoiding things from fear it won’t work turn out right?
uncertain and doubting yourself? feeling your work isn’t really worth doing? dreading and avoiding your creative projects or giving up on them altogether?
in a competitive/critical/high-pressure situation or mindset? feeling unable to keep up with these demands long term?
overthinking your work? can’t get it to stop even when you get in your own way?
only seeing the flaws in your work? feel like an imposter? worry you don’t have “it” anymore?
creative practice isn’t fun anymore? even when you get work done, it doesn’t feel good like it used to?
YOU might benefit from Getting Back to the Basics of Creative Flow and Giving Yourself Permission to Play!
Are you baffled by how to get started making the powerful and deeply meaningful creative work you are called to be doing?
only going through the motions? worry that your best work is behind you?
not pushing yourself even though you know you’re not performing to your true capacity?
creative output feels superficial, lacks passion, or is “safe”?
something feels off, stale, or isn’t clicking with your recent work?
been a long time since you had a big breakthorugh or felt inspired by what you do?
keep putting off a project because you’re intimidated by it? even tho you feel strongly that THIS is what you are meant to be doing?
feel detached or cut off from the spiritual parts of your practice?
keep getting feedback that what you’re doing lacks emotional depth?
taken risks and been uncomfortable making great art in the past and need to head in a new direction…but can’t figure out what that is?
YOU might benefit from Developing Safety Rituals or Support Practices so that You Can Risk Writing More Deeply!