Author + Poet
Connect with Dr Carrie’s Writing
Published Books:
lithopaedion a chapbook published by Finishing Line Press, March 2023 and Yes Yes Book’s 2020 Vinyl 45 Chapbook Contest finalist (see review here)
the vulture girl: necessary and sufficient conditions a speculative memoir and full-length experimental poetry collection published by Saddle Road Press, preorders available NOW
Journal Publications:
manifest legacy and we had been born free footed made from frothy cascades both published in The Coop: A Poetry Cooperative
this fibrous birdflight and we thought of ourselves a lustrous gold and today and/or me published in Concision Poetry Journal , and forthcoming, the three stars of the living bow of Sagittarius and her suicidal child
she first saw old stag several years before they’d met published in FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art
stillness and how we are haunted and the mercury of grieving and at this altitude published in The Gravity of the Thing
choose your own published by Maudlin House
the nine deaths of Schrodinger’s cat and trust and chew on the peace published by Pomona Valley Review
the vulture girl wasn’t born a bird published by Quartet Journal (Jul 2022)
pictures I took from space published by Tupelo Quarterly
evolution of drowning and equidity: a fictive folktale and the night the stars whinnied in recognition and rooted in the poignant pauses published in ty(poet)icus
apples for the teacher don’t fall far from the trees published in WORDPEACE
sometimes a tornado is really a cocoon published in Yellow Chair Review
Slow Lightning: Astonished Poetry (Slow Lightning Press 2023) “this is how they are with each other,” and “this isn’t what you think,” and “how to greet the hunter full moon” and in Slow Lightning: Impractical Poetry (Slow Lightning Press 2021) “let us scribe a plumb line”
Written Here and There: The Community of Writers Poetry Review (2021) “207 W Allen”
Waves: A Confluence of Woman’s Voices (the virtual anthology of A Room of Her Own Foundation) “we should have,” and “when raven shortcuts”
PRESS 100 Love Letters (University of the Philippines Press 2017) “the fall,” and “spent”
Everyday Haiku (Wandering Muse Press 2017) “his crippled sermons,” “this expanding self,” “cup your hands to hurt,” “how we are all leveled,” “snakeskinny dipping,” “fetally coiled,” “across dawn’s bright moon,” “granite bleached by the sun,” “and when the day stills,” “crackled ground resists,” “well-worn river stones,” “would I were a sieve,” and “inky brackish chill”
di-verse-city Austin International Poetry Festival Anthology (Austin Poets International 2014) “Dialysis didn’t change anything”
Cry of the Nightbird: Writers Against Domestic Violence (WolfSinger Publications, 2014; a 2015 finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and the National Indie Excellence Awards in the Women’s Issues category) “Carrying On: Another Domestic Violent Nightmare”
Poetry Book Review:
Colorado Review: Book Review for Ann Bookman's "Blood Lines”
Birch Bark Editing: The Environmental Revolution is Us: A Review of Nancy Lynee Woo’s, “I’d Rather Be Lightning”
Diode Poetry: A review of Paula Cisewski’s “Ceremonies for No Repair”
Poetry Readings:
In Conversation with Birch Bark Editing
Writing Awards/Honors:
The Wardrobe’s Best Dressed with Sundress Publications, with lithopaedion, June 2023
“fawning,” “bicephaly among feral Cervidae: a case study,” and “how the vulture lost its voice” made the longlist of Frontier Poetry’s 2022 New Voices Contest
Winner of Hays Public Library Poetry Contest 2022 wiith “the unmothering” and in 2013 with “Carrying on: Another Domestic Violent Nightmare”
Janice Bevilacqua Memorial Scholarship awarded to attend the Community of Writers Poetry Workshop in the Virtual Valley 2021
Featured artist/writer in the book Heart’s Compass Tarot by Tania Pryputniewicz 2021 from Two FineCrows Books
Semi-finalist, Tupelo Quarterly’s Call and Response Poetry Contest 2017 “pictures I took from space”
Orlando Fellowship: tuition and attendance covered for A Room of Her Own Retreat 2013
National Winner, “In the beginning I had breathed other air” Mississippi Valley Poetry Contest 2012 and National Finalist, “Manifest Destiny” Mississippi Valley Poetry Contest 2012
Multi-Media / Professional Presentations:
“Using Language and Story to Heal Trauma” a presentation about embodied and narrative therapeutic techniques, and their correlates for informing creative writing practices to contain and transform trauma at the AIMED Creativity and Madness Conference in Santa Fe, NM 2024
“Expanding the Creative Lens: Cultivating Unusual Perspectives” a photography meditation practice tailored to writers and artists presented at AROHO’s virtual Global Summer Camp 2023
“we should have” a poetry, photography, and spoken word presentation considering the impact of COVID on community presented at AROHO’s virtual Global Summer Camp 2020
Co-author of “Seminar on Experimental Writing” presented by and co-authored with Gillian Barlow at the Experimental Writing Conference, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, 2015
Writing Service:
Invited Poetry Instructor, Ghost Ranch, Poetry: Caught in the Throat by Joy, 2023
Invited Reviewer, Colorado Review
Community of Writers Work Group member, editors of annual anthology, Written Here and There: The Community of Writers Poetry Review, 2022
Associate Editor, Everyday Haiku: An Anthology, Wandering Muse Press, 2017
30/30 Tupelo Press fundraiser participant, July 2015
Academic Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals and Academic Textbooks:
Miller, J., Skillman, G., Benedetto, J., Holtz, A., Nassif, C., & Weber, A. (2007). Pilot testing of a three-dimensional haptic matrix test of nonverbal reasoning: Convergent-divergent validity and qualitative analysis. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. 101, 557-570.
Nassif, C. (2019). Is Gender a binary construct or is it better described as being along a spectrum? In Naylor-Tincknell, J.M. & Patrick, C. (Eds.). Critical Thinking and Writing in Psychology. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
Nassif, C. (2019). Issues in Psychological Writing: Private Practice Setting. In Naylor-Tincknell, J.M. & Patrick, C. (Eds.). Critical Thinking and Writing in Psychology. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
Nassif, C. & Quevillon, R, (2008) The Development of a Preliminary Creativity Scale for the MMPI-2: The C Scale, Creativity Research Journal, 20, 13-20. DOI 10.1080/10400410701839918
Nassif, C., Schulenberg, S. E., Hutzell, R. R., & Rogina, J. (2010). Clinical supervision and logotherapy: Discovering meaning in the supervisory relationship. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. DOI 10.1007/s10879.099-9111-y
Schulenberg, S. E., Kaster, J. T., Nassif, C., & Johnson-Jimenz, E. K. (2008). Assessment of psychopathology. In Hersen, M. & Gross, A.M. (Eds.). Handbook of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 2: Children and Adolescents. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
PhD (2004) in Clinical Psychology at The University of South Dakota, dissertation title: Investigating Creativity with the MMPI-2: A Preliminary Creativity Scale
MA (2000) in Clinical Psychology at The University of South Dakota, thesis title: Testing the Componential Constructs of Creativity with the Verbal Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Psychology, Minors in Fine Art (photography) and Spanish, at The University of South Dakota, 1999
Center for Creative Studies College of Art and Design, Detroit MI, 1990